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man how did you package your .exe to avoid including the whole image files? i've used pyinstaller for my game but i still have to include the whole game assets images... help.. awesome game btw!!

Thank you for your comment! There is a comment on about how to pack exe with a folder in it -, I also think there is --folder flag in pyinstaller, but I'm not sure. Thank you again!

Didn't respond because i was really busy but THANK YOU! IT WORKED EXTREMELY WELL!! it even made me think of a better way of loading images with fewer lines and made my code mo legible. Oh and another thing, any tips on getting some visibility on i'm planning on releasing my game here for free but it would suck if nobody played it... thank you again and take care!

To advertise your game you can simply post it on any social network, I would recommend posting it on Reddit. There is also another post "how to promote your game". If you have made a game for a jam, you can get about 10-50 downloads:)

(1 edit)

This game is amazing! good job! 

Thank you! We are very glad you like it! Send greetings to children:)


Now this shit looks fucking amazing. Huge props for making it happen. You broke the curse of Pygame Asteroids for game jams.

Huge thanks!